About Us

About healthfly Wellness

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding a disease or fighting it”

The brainchild of Dt. Dimple Gajjar, Healthfly was established in the year 1996 after careful research, and years of experience. The brand tries to educate people about the transformative touch of food, and how it can heal the body without complications. Healthfly attempts to edify people about the fact that weight management isn’t rocket science! It is just about being dedicated and following the right kind of food plan.

Healthfly functions on one very important proverb “Every time you eat something, you are either feeding a disease or fighting it!”
Following the ancient history and value of food – which is said to have healing powers, Dimple Gajjar makes the most of all the naturally available food items and transforms them into remedies for your health problems.

1200 Happy Customers
600 Awards & Features

Our Mission

To educate society about the right nutrition and diet concepts while helping them achieve their fitness goals.

Our Vision

We strive to reduce the pain caused due to malnutrition.

Our History

We have been making our clients independent as far as following healthy eating habits and lifestyle management are concerned.